红树林是生长在热带和亚热带沿海潮间带的木本植物群丛。全球有二个红树林分布中心:一个在东南亚:另一个在中南美洲。中国的红树林属于东南亚类型。红树林有许多经济价值,而它对人类的重要贡献在于它的环境生态效应:①防风、固堤,减轻沿海风灾的影响;②净化大气,减少空气污染:③抵御温室效应造成海平面上升的影响;④浓集Hg、 ̄(90)Sr等放射性物,净化海水水质;⑤作为水产养殖场;⑥绿化海滩。
The main ecologycal effects of the mangrove on the environment are following:1.The mangrove is a good natural shelter belt, and can decrease the disaster caused by awindstorm on the coasts.2.The mangrove plant can absorb CO2 and release O_2.and purify the atmosphere and de-crease the air pollution.3.The mangrove can promote the sedimentation of the matters and decrease the transgression of the rising sea level caused by the Greenhouse Effect.4.Some of the mangrove plants can concentrate the radioelements in sea water,sach as Hg, ̄(90)Sr etc,and can purify the sea water.5.The mangrove in not only a good habitat,but also a good feeding ground.Therefore,Themangrove swamp in a good aquacultural field. 6.The mangrove can make the coasts green.
Marine Environmental Science