Genera belonging to the family Euplotidae (Curds et al.1983) are recognizedby the following common characters: right marginal cirri absent, ciliatures highlydeveloped or differentiated, all the cirral anlagen occur de novo, oral primordiumformed within a subcortical pouch and most members with special silverline system.Though several revisions liad been made during last decades and a lot of morpho-types are well studied, the phylogeny and evolution within these organisms remainsunclear up to date and need further, reasonable comparisons and investigations.Using data obtained from morpliological examination (protargol or Chatton-Lwoff staining method) in interphase and from the binary fission, this paper pre-sents a tentative scheme of the systematic arrangements among the 11 genera dealtwith in tbis study. The possible phylogenetic relationships are discussed with themethods of fuzzy cluster and cladistic analysis (apomorph-plesiomorph). The resultsindicate that seven groups can be divided according to the deriving sequenceduring the phylogenetic development. The order is: Gastrocirrhus, Swedmorkia-Dis-cocephalus, Uronychia, Diophrys, Euplotidium-Certesia, Cytharoidcs-Euplotes, Aspi-disca-Euplotaspis.Morphological and morphogenetical data suggest that tliey can be placed intotwo higher taxa: Gastrocirrhus, Discoccphalus and Swcdmarkia belonging to the fa-mily Gastrocirrhidae Faure-Fremiet, 1961, and the rest to the family EuplotidaeEhrenberg, 1838.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica