本试验利用(14) ̄C示踪法研究了3个春小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)品种籽粒灌浆期旗叶同化物库端(穗)卸出的昼夜变化。研究表明,在籽粒灌浆期,旗叶(14) ̄C-同化物在库端(穗)卸出非常迅速,在标记后24小时内,植株中54%~70%的(14)C-同化物分布在穗部,尤其是穗中(14)C-淀粉等贮藏性物质含量几乎呈直线上升。虽然如此,但是穗中(14) ̄C-可溶性同化物却出现积累或饱和状态,这说明库活性是有一定限度的,源(叶等)能为库提供充足的同化物。同一品种旗叶上午同化的(14)C-同化物在穗中合成淀粉等的速率快于下午同化的。不论上午饲喂还是下午饲喂(14) ̄CO2,中8502、中8904穗部(14) ̄C-淀粉等含量在饲喂后24小时内,总的来说均显著高于克74-202,而其穗中(14) ̄C-可溶性同化物在标记10小时后、24小时内显著低子克74-202,这说明它们穗中淀粉等合成速率快于克74-202,故而表现出较强的库活性。收获指数与库活性相关。
The diurnal changes in sink unloading of (14) ̄C-assimilates from flag leaves of spring wheat(Triticum aestivum L. )of three cultivars(Zhong 8502, Zhong 8904 and Ke74-202 )duringgrain filling stage were investigated by means of (14) ̄C tracer technique. The study skowed that54%~70%of (14) ̄C-assimilates of flag leaves was transported to ears after 24h.The amount ofnon-soluble (14) ̄C-assimilates(mainly starch)in ears increased nearly linearly with time during24 hours.The increasing trend or soluble (14) ̄C-assimilates in the ears indicated that the supplyof assimilates from source exceeded the demand of sink and the sink activity was limited . Theamount Of non-soliuble (14) ̄C-assimilates in ears of the two cultlvars Zhong 8502 and Zhong8904, wbich had greater harvest index and grain welght, was significantly greater than thatof Ke74-202,but the amount of soluble (14) ̄C-assimilates in ears was opposite,indicating thatthe formers had a greater sink activity.The rate of starch syntkesis with (14) ̄C-asssilnilates wasgreater in the morning than that in the afternoon. The harvest index or grain weight may berelated to sink activlty.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences