选用健康豚鼠36只,随机分为3组,第1组为庆大霉素组(GM组),第2组为庆大霉素 加二甲亚砜组(GM+DMSO组),第3组为正常对照组,每组动物各12只,用电反应测听仪及硫代 巴比妥酸荧光比色法检测庆大霉素组及庆大霉素加二甲亚砜组动物耳蜗听功能及耳蜗和血清中脂 质过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量。结果显示:GM+DMSO组动物耳蜗神经动作电位(AP)阈值较 GM组明显降低,AP(N1)潜伏期GM组较GM+DMSO组显著延长;GM组动物耳蜗中MDA含 量较GM+DMSO组明显为高(P<0.01)。提示:自由基引起耳蜗脂质过氧化可能与庆大霉素耳蜗 毒性有关。
The hearing and the contents of the metabolite of lipid peroxidation (MDA) in cochlea were measured in the GM group and the GM plus DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) group. The results showed that the hearing threshold of AP (action potential) was significantly (P< 0.001)higher in the GM group than that in the GM plus DMSO group and the latency of N1 was significantly (P<0. 01) longer in the GM group than that in the GM plus DMSO group. The contents of MDA in the cochlea was significantly(p<0. 01)higher in the GM group than that in the GM plus DMSO group. It suggests that the lipid peroxidation caused by free radicals may be one of the mechanisms of GM ototoxicity.
Journal of Henan Medical University