天生桥一级水电站采用混凝土面板堆石坝,坝高178m,溢洪道最大地流量21750m ̄3/s,电站装机容量1200MW,大坝填筑量1800万m ̄3,工程总开挖量2655万m ̄3,混凝土132万m ̄3。本文介绍了在科研试验的基础上,根据地质条件进行的枢纽布置及各水工建筑物的设计原则。
The TSQ-ⅠHydropower Station has an installed capacity of 1200 MW; It has aconcrete-faced rockfill dam with max.height 1 78m ;The max. flood dischange of spillwayamounts to 21750m ̄3/s; the rockfill, 180 million m ̄3; the earth-rock exeavation in open-cut,26. 55million m ̄3; the concrete,1. 32million m ̄3. So this is a very large project. The design ofconfiguration of hydrostructures has been made on the basic of sciencific test and engineering geo-logical conditions.
Hongshui River