The genus
Streblocera Westwood is characterized by the raptorial antenna ofthe female. The genus
Streblocera(Hymenoptera:Braconidae:Euphorinae)from Taiwanwas described and illustrated by
Dr.Chou Liangyih.He(1990)suggested that Strebloceraokadai watanabe was close toS.orientalis
Chao,S.zhongmouensis Wang,S.shaanxiensisWang and S. flava You et Xiong,and that these
species must be studied in detail.After fur-ther detailed study of a S.okadai Watanabe and a
S.shaanxiensis Wang specimens given byDr.Mateo and Mr.WangJ.Y.respectively,we
recognize that the S.flava You et Xiong isstill a valid species and S. shaanxiensis Wang is the
same species of S. okadai Watanabe. S. flava You et Xiong is similar to S.okadai
Watanabe,but there is a large discrepancy in thestructure of the propodeum,lst metasomal
tergite(Fig.3 and Fig. 4)and male genitalia(Fig.1and Fig.2).In this paper authors describe the
difference between the male genitalia of twospecies.The specimens which were collcted from
Taiwan were identified as S. okadai Watan-abe by Chou Liangyih(1990)must be studied in