he anion
gap(AG)of the cord blood of 276 newborns under various conditions,amongwhom there were 53
normal full-term newborns venous blood in 3 days after birth togetherwith 42 normal maternal
venous blood were studied.The AG average level of 156 normalfull-term newborn cord
blood(13.9±6.0mmol/L)was higher than that of the cord bloodof 11 newborns by cesarean
section(7.2±3.7)(P<0.01),was lower than that of 23 as-phyxia newborn cord blood(16.5±
4.5)(P<0.05),and was lower than that of the newbornvenous blood of the 3rd day after birth(18.8
±3. 8)(P<0.01).The AG average level waslower in 42 normal full-term newborn cord blood(13.2
±5.1)than in their mothers,venousMood(15.5±4.6)(P<0.05).There was a positive correlation of
AG between the mothersand new borns(r=0.663,P<0.01);It is suggested that AG could be a
parameter in diagno-sis of acid-base disorders in the newborns;but it was necessary to
combine the clinical andother laboratory parameters.
Bulletin of Hunan Medical University