本文报道藜科Chenopodiaceae上优若藜白锈一新记录种Albugo eurotiae Tranzsch和菊科Compositae上已知种和变种,婆罗门参白锈A.tragopogi(Pers.)Schroet,婆罗门参原变种A.tragopogi var.pyrethi,匹菊婆罗门参白锈A.tragopogI var.inulae,旋复花婆罗门参白锈A.tragopogi var.inulae,蓟婆罗门参白锈A.tragopogi var.Cirsii的寄主新记录和地理新分布以及各种的描述和形态图。
In this paper, a new record of Albugo on Chenopodiaceae and Known species of Albugo on Compositae are described. The new record is Albugo eurotiae Tranzsch. Which parasitizes the leaves of Ceratoides lalens (J. F. Gmel.) Reveal et Holmgren. Among these specimens collected from Urumgi, of Xinjiang. there are four Known species of Albugo in compositae, namely, Albugo tragopogi (Pers.) Schoet. A. tragopogi var. tragopogi. A. tragopogi var. pyrethi A. tragopogi var. inulae. and A. tragopogi var. cirsii, two hosts of A. tragopogi var. tragopogi are new records and two other hosts are new records in China. The morphological characteristics of each species are described and illustrated.
Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University