AbstractThe different climatologic stages, along with several varying climatologic phases, are recognized on the basis of paleoclimatologic researches on the drilling core of the Hao1 hole positioned in Hamaertai soda lake of Inner Monsoila, showing accordance to some extent with the overall changing trend of globle climate. After the peak of the last glacial stage and before the end, there occurred three periods of dramatic drop in temperature, respectively representing oldest-, older- and Younger Dryas Glacial period Also, two large- scale and golbewide events of lowering temperature have taken place since the end of the last glacial stage, one, in 7 640 aB. P., corresponding to Denton glacial stage and named the First New Glacial Period compared with the other in 5 000 aB. P., analogous to the Second New Glocial Period. The climatologic evalution of the soda lake throughout the past 2000 years is fairly identical to that documented in the Chinese historical literature concerning this field.
Geology of Chemical Minerals