Abstract The western ore block, Qianfeng, of Shangcai sulfur polymetallic feld attributes its generation mainly to high fluor, copper bearing pyritization, lessly topolymetalization (silver, f copper, leak and zinc) The ore bodies are hosted as stratoed in the argillaceous limestones of both Upper Carboniferous Chuallshan formation (C3c) and Lower Permian aam formation(p,q) which have undertaken intensive skarnhation so as to form a mineral assemblage maly of gsrnet, diopeide, epidotc, etc. The former two dinerals are found to show a close rebation to the metalljzation. But emphasis should be Put on the garnet phase which can bedistinguished into spessartine, alldeinte alld grossufor given its poticsl diameters and chemiCal composition, one coexisting with pyrrhotite, another with chalcopyrite, and the third with scheelite. These coexisting relations may act as a good indicator to prospecting for the ageral resources of the same type.
Geology of Chemical Minerals