Abstract Infrared spectra of the title compounds [n--C.Hu+,NH312MX.(M = Cu, Mn, Cd, Zn, Co;'X= CI, Br; n = 7--12, 16) (abr. C.MX) in the room temperature phase have been studied. Thecxpericncc assignments of the main bands have been made.The effecting of the chain length,center mctul ions and halogcns on the packing structure in the canon layers,interaction of alkylChains and the molecular conformation as well as the strength of the hydrogen bonds were discussed. The results show that the C--H stretching, CHZ bending, NH3 deformation, C-Cstretching and some CHZ wagging as well as CH, rocking vibrations are sensitive to the chainlength, center metal ions and halogcns.