With the development of remote sensing technology,the conventionalmanual approach for image interpretation can not meet the increasing needs of more andmore information。The incorporation of artificial intelligence into remote sensing,such as an building for the expert system of automatic recognition which can greatlyenhance the efficiency of image interpretation,is an important approach to sovlingthis problem。The authors take the expert system as the guide,used the digitalimage processing and pattern recognition technique as the methods of evidence ac-quisition,and combined the quantitative with the qualitative abstraction so that wecould build an expert system for automatic recognition of fault structure。This ex-pert system is only an attempt to develop an approach to the automatic recognitionof remote sensing images instead of conventional way.The basic structure of thisexpert system as shown in Fig.1 includes the following parts:1.Knowledge-base:It consists of facts and expert’s knowledge associated withrecongnition of fault image. The knowledge is presented in the form of rules。2.Inference engine:It utilizes the knowledge base, and its reasoning strategyis step forward。3.Knowledge base management system:It manages the knowledge base by automa-tically organizing, propagating,modifying and deleting the stored knowledge。4.User interface:It fulfils the communication between user and the expert system。5.Automatic recognition system:It includes several subsystems such as abstractionand examination of linear body and triangle plane of fault structure,lake and thedistribution of all the linear signs。This expert system is completed on IBM-PC with C language。Whose user interfaceis friendly,there by leading to its practical applications。
Fault sign,Expert system,Knowledge base, Image terpretation,Recognition of fault