The Xileng Formation consists of a suite of neritic rock series of metamurphic volcanicsedimentary in the Zhangbaling and Zhulong regions, eastern Anhui, of which lithology ischaracterized by spilite-quartz keratophyre. Owing to lack of biological fossils, the subdivisiunand correlation as well as the ownership of the age of the metamorphic rock series in this regionhave been in confusiun for a long time.In recent years, we have studied the biustratigraphy in Zhangbaling and Zhulong regions,eastern Anhui, and found more abundant microflora fossils within section and some routepoints. The microflora fossils of the Xileng Formatiom may be divided into two assemblages.The fossils of the first assemblage found in the section of the Fuxiao Horticultural Gardento Zhuying contain 33 genera, 44 species,of which 1 genus and 2 species are ncwly discovered,19 unidentified species, 3 conformis. The fossils of the second assemblage found in some routepoints such as Luoshicheng, Yingzhong, Wawuyu and Xixu, contain 30 genera, 34 species,of which 1 species is new, 18 unidentified, 13 conformis. The sedimentary age revealed by thesecond assemblage seems younger than that of the first assemblage.According to microflora assembtage, the authors ascertain the age of the Xileng Formation in this region belongs to the Qingbaikuu system in a broad sense.
Volcanology & Mineral Resources
Xileng formation, microflora group, Qingbaikou period, eastern Auhui