During calculating the properties of rough contacts,the effects of aspority in teractions and stress,especially thermal stress on the properties have often been negleeted; This will caues error in calcu-lating the properties of concentrated contalts, In fact,the stress(including isothermal and thermal stresses)of surficial layers has an important effect on the tribological perfoimance of metal surface. On the basis of taking asperity interations into account,this paper has calculated the pressure,surface tempera-ture,isothermal and thermal stress of surficial layers created by rough contacts. The results in indicate that surface roughness has an important influence on the pressure, surface temperature,isothermal and thermal stress fields;pressure,surface temperature and isothermal stress incrase with increasing surface roughness parameter A,but thermal stress decreases with increasing A,thermal stress tends to move the re-gion of maximum total Mises stress towards the surface, and total Mises stress increases rapidly with in-creasing βt.The above mentioned cases play an inportant role in studying scuffing failure and boundary filin formation.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering