本文采用盐酸羟胺作还原剂,ECR、CTMAB及乙醇的混合液作增敏显色液,在600nm处,用1厘米的比色槽,以试剂空白作参比,在72型分光光度计上测量该蓝色溶液的吸光度,用它测定铬,在0-10μg/25 ml范围内符合比尔定律。本法试剂稳定,显色效果好,灵敏度高,重现性好,操作手续简便,可直接测定总铬及三价铬,是电镀污水中微量铬的较理想的测定方法。
Using hydroxylamine hydrochloride as reducer, mixed solution of ECR-CTMAB ethyl alcohol as sensitivity increasing developer, and reagent blank as reference, the extinction of this blue solution is determined with model 72 spectrophotometer at 600 mμ, in a oolormetric cell of one centimeter. It can be used to determine Cr which is in accord with the Beer' law within the range of 0-10μg/25mL. This process is characterized for its reagent stability, high sensitivity, good developing effect and reperoducibility. Besides, it is easy to operate and can directly determine the total Cr and trivalent Cr. therefore, it is considered to be an ideal method for the determination of trace chromium in plating wastewater.
Electroplating & Pollution Control