The present paper deals with the growth of O+ silver carp (Hypophth- almichthys molitrix) in the hgih yield fish culture ponds in shanghai. The first year carp rearing has been divided into two stages: the first stage- -from fry to summerling rearing and the second stage--from summerling to fingerling rearing. The relationships between total length(L) and time(t) can be expressed by linear regression (L=abt) for both stages. The rapid period of length growth of the second stage was from July to August. The values of increace rate of total length and instantaneous increase rate of total length in the first stage were higher than those of the the second stage. The relationship between body weight(w) and time(t) of the first stage can be fitted by an exponential curve (w=ae^(bt)). The weight growth rate (dw/dt) and growth acceleraration (d^2w/dt^2) are direct proportion to time. The relationship between body weight and time of the second stage can be described by a sigmoid curve (w=K/(1+ae^(-bt))). The faster period of weight growth of the secohd stage was from July to September, The inflection point of the curve was at t=-ln(1/a)/b; w=K/2. The curves of the weight growth rate and acceleration look like a' normal destribution curve' and a' sine curve' respectively. The values of increase rate, instantaneous increase rate and relative increase rate of body weight in the first stage were bigger than those of the second stage. The several parameters of diffefent models and some results have been calculated and shown on different Tables.
Silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Fry, Fingerli- ng, Growth, Growth rate, Growth acceleration