In consideration of the generalized Gauss-Markoff Model Y = xβ+ε, E(ε) = 0> COV(ε) = σ2V, where X and V≥0 are the known matrices, βεRP and σ2>0 are parameters. Let Sβ be linearly estimable. With respect to the priors of βπ1, Eπ1(β) = 0, Covπ1(β) = σ2W and π2, Eπ2(β) = 0, Covπ2(β) = σ-W under the quadratic loss function and matrix loss function, all Bayes linear estimators are obtained. Some of them are admissible among linear estimators. If Y is a normal vector, a class of admissible estimators of mean β among all the estimators under quadratic loss function is obtained.
Bayes homogeneous linear estimates
Bayes linear estimates
Linear admissible estima-tes
Admissible estimates