
农村居民旅游认知特征分析——以湖南省四县市为例 被引量:61

Study on the feature of tourism perspective of rural residents:taking Hunan Province as a case
摘要 论文通过对湖南省四个县市1200个农村居民抽样调查,分析了农村居民对旅游的认知特征,结果表明:(1)农村居民对旅游的态度普遍较好,但不同区域、不同年龄层的农民对旅游的认知差异较大,农民接受旅游信息的渠道还较单一。(2)农民出游动机出现多元化,但出游目的较为集中,旅游偏好受年龄和经济来源的影响较大。(3)农民的出游愿望很高,出游时间充裕而且较集中,但出游预算比实际花费明显偏高。(4)多数农民出游的主要限制因素还是可自由支配收入,而担心影响农业生产和不能照顾家庭也限制了中青年人外出旅游。 Based on sampling surveys of 1,200 rural residents with questionnaires in Liuyang city, Huarong county, Xinling county and Fenghuang county of Hunan province from 2001 to 2003, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the tourism perspectives on the 1,077 effective samples. Some conclusions are drawn as follows: In Hunan, more and more rural residents become to know tourism while only 1.9% of the samples “never heard about” tourism. However, there is difference in the four survey regions. In Liuyang and Fenghuang, rural residents know more tourism knowledge than the other two regions, because tourism has long been developed there. Rural residents have positive attitudes to tourism in Hunan. Most of them accept tourism as a product, but there are different tourism perspectives among different age groups and different regions in the province. The tourism assent rate related to residents gained from tourism. The residents assent rate is higher in Fenghuang than the other regions, and the rate is the lowest in Huarong. Tourism motivation of rural residents is multiplicity, but their purpose of touring is simple. Tourism hobbies of rural residents are affected by age and economic level. Especially, in Hunan, tourism hobbies of rural residents are inclined to sightseeing and learning-technology tour. Scenic spots are the most popular sites for rural residents, and big cities and eastern region are other tourism destinations of the rural residents. Most of the rural residents have a desire to go out for travel. Rural residents have abundant and centralized time for travel, whereas their budgetary outlay is normally higher than their actual expenditure. Especially, the older residents are inclined to choose 2-7 days tour, but the youngsters are inclined to 4-7 days or over 7 days tour. The main limited factors for rural residents touring are income, and farming season and housework are the limited factors for young and middle-aged rural residents. However, the older residents are worried about the security and traffic conditions. And the subjective factors including in-comprehend tourism and the negative effect.
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期591-600,共10页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30300040) 湖南省教育厅项目(02C256)资助
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