
光纤耦合二极管端泵2μm CW双掺Tm,Ho∶GdVO_4激光器 被引量:5

Fiber-coupled Diode End-pumped Double Tm,Ho∶GdVO_4 Laser
摘要 同YLF和YAG基质相比,在TmHo∶GdVO4晶体中Tm3+离子在800nm附近有非常强的和宽的吸收带,所以该晶体非常适合商品化的GaAlAs激光二极管泵浦.在液氮制冷晶体条件下,利用光纤耦合激光二极管及消色差光学耦合系统端面泵浦双掺5%Tm,0.5%Ho∶GdVO4晶体,在泵浦功率14W、泵浦波长794nm时,实现了2.048μm激光输出,连续运转输出功率3.6W,相应的光光转换效率为25.7%,斜率效率26.6%.相对于吸收的泵浦功率,光光转换效率为35%.由于Tm3+离子间的交叉弛豫效应,泵浦量子效率达到1.3. A continuous wave diode-pumped Tm, Ho:GdVO4 laser operating at cryogenic temperature is reported. Tin, Ho : GdVO4 crystal has much stronger and broader absorption spectrum than Tin- Hocodoped YLF and YAG, and is very favorable for diode pumping. Radiation from a fiber coupled diode (core diameter 0.4 mm, N. A. 0.3) is coupled into Tm (5% at. ) ,Ho(0.5% at. ) : GdVO4 crystal by a pair of achromatic lens for end pumping. Output power of 3.6 W at 2. 048 μm is obtained under pump power of 14 W and emission wavelength of 794 nm. The optical-optical conversion efficiency is 25.7% and slope efficiency is 26. 6%. Corresponding to the absorbed pumping power, the optical-optical conversion efficiency is up to 35 %. Due to cross relaxation between Tm^3+ ions, pumping quantum efficiency of 1.3 is achieved.
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期964-967,共4页 Acta Photonica Sinica
关键词 光纤耦合激光二极管 Tm Ho:GdVO4晶体 Fiber-coupled diode Tm, Ho : GdVO4 crystal
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