
家畜和畜产品可追溯系统研究进展 被引量:135

Review of traceability system for domestic animals and livestock products
摘要 阐述了构建家畜和畜产品可追溯系统对于食品安全和国际贸易的重要性和必要性,介绍家畜和畜产品可追溯系统的构成和特点,比较不同类型的畜体标识方法,归纳可追溯系统所涉及的信息网络等技术,回顾发达国家和地区可追溯制度建设和可追溯系统的实施情况,指出制约可追溯系统应用的主要问题。以及介绍中国进行可追溯系统试点研究的进展,提出家畜标识制作的新工艺与新方法,指出可追溯系统的发展方向和趋势,为建立适合中国国情的家畜和畜产品可追溯系统提供参考。 The importance of and the need to secure food safety and facilitate international trade through establishing a traceability system for domestic animals and livestock products were discussed, and the essential components and characteristics of domestic animal traceability system were also introduced in this paper. Several animal identification technologies including information and network technology were compared and summarized.The history of implementation and evolution of legislative regulation of traceability systems in developed countries were reviewed; the main issues which hamper the implementation of traceability system were discussed. A pilot project of a Chinese traceability system, in which new technologies were developed, was also proposed. The trends and direction for the development of traceability system was highlighted, and findings of this paper could provide a basis for establishing a national traceability system for domestic animals and livestock products which is feasible to the situation of China.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期168-174,共7页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 "十五"国家"863"计划项目"饲料和畜禽产品数字化安全监控体系研究"专题(2003AA209050-8) "十五"国家重要技术标准研究专项"肉用猪工厂化生产全程质量管理与畜产品可追溯计算机软件研究"子课题(2002BA906A17-07) "十五"江苏省科技攻关计划"猪肉安全全程质量
关键词 家畜 畜产品 可追溯系统 标识 domestic animal livestock product traceability system identification
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