
移动自组网多层分布式认证技术研究 被引量:3

Research on Multi-layer Distribute Authentication Technology in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 移动自组网是一种新型的移动网络,它的无中心、无基础设施等特性决定了在这种网络中提供证书服务必须采用分布式的体系结构。现有的分布式认证技术是基于(n,t)门限方案的单层结构,当一个节点的单跳邻居节点数目小于系统门限值时就无法正常工作。该文结合Feldman可验证秘密共享策略提出了一种多层分布式认证技术,一方面可以解决单层分布式认证技术中邻居节点数目不足问题,另一方面可以在证书签名合成中验证私钥分量正确性,保护系统私钥不泄漏。 Mobile Ad Hoe Networks is a new kind of mobile network.The certification service must adopt distribute architecture in the network due to its characteristics such as no infrastructure,no center.Existing distribute authentication technology is one hop architecture based on(n,t) threshold secret sharing cryptography,a node can not work properly when the value of its one hop neighbor is less than threshold value.This paper proposes multi-layer distribute authentication technology combined with Feldman verify scheme,which can solve the lack of neighbor node in the one hop distribute authentication technology,on the other hand can verify the validity of private key share,protect the system pr ivate key from leaking.
作者 孙磊 葛临东
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第22期168-170,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 移动自组网 门限秘密共享 可验证秘密共享 多层分布式认证 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,threshold secret sharing,verify secret sharing,multi-layer distribute authentication
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