目的:研究多发性硬化神经源膀胱损害患者的康复治疗特点。方法:将42例多发性硬化具有神经源膀胱损害患者随机分为康复治疗组、对照组各21例进行比较治疗。康复组接受行为管理、饮食管理、训练建立排尿条件反射及腰骶神经刺激和尿道括约肌协调训练。对照组则只接受一般导尿管的护理。结果:两组治疗前后排尿次数、每次尿量、B 超液性暗区比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:有效地综合康复治疗能促进多发性硬化神经源膀胱康复。
To investigation the character of the rehabilitation treatment of neuronal bladder in the multiple sclerosis diseases. Methods: the 42 cases patients suffered multiple sclerosis diseases who had neuronal bladder damaged were random divided into two groups: the rehabilitation treatment and the control. The patients in the formal group were accepted the behavior management, diet management, training creation the reflex of miction and stimulus the lumbosacral nerve, coordination the sphincter of urethra. The controls were just accepted the ordinary nursing for the bladder catheter. They were compared with the miction times, urine volume per time and the fluidity echo free space of type - bultrasonic. Result: the two groups had significant difference between the treatment of the formal and the later in the miction times, urine volume pre time and the fluidity echo free space of type - b ultrasonic. Conclusion: the effective and synthetical rehabilitation treatment can improve the rehabilitation treatment of neuronal bladder in the multiple sclerosis diseases.
Journal of Jiujiang University:Natural Science Edition