Abstracts of Papers from Chinese Periodicals
Abstracts of Papers from Chinese Periodicals
1Abstracts of Papers from Chinese Periodicals[J].Social Sciences in China,2007,28(2):156-190.
2<Auhtor>Song Jun.Abstracts of Papers from Chinese Periodicals[J].Social Sciences in China,2005,26(1):157-190.
3Zhang Jiadong Huang Yusheng(译) Sally Borthwick(校).A Philosophical Analysis of Terrorism[J].Social Sciences in China,2007,28(1):143-190.
4Abstraets of Papers in Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)[J].Social Sciences in China,2002,23(3):180-190.
5Announcement and Call for Papers International Symposium on Population and Sustainable Development[J].China Population Today,1995,12(1):29-29.
8建议[J].Women of China,2013(11):13-13.
9赵歆.Understanding of causes, impacts, and responses to urban environment within a global context: A summery of International Conference on The Urban Dimensions of Environmental Change: Science, Exposures, Policies and Technologies[J].Journal of Geographical Sciences,2004,14(3).