
大学生学习动机的性别、年级及学科差异 被引量:83

Differences of learning motivation of college students in different sex, grade and major
摘要 目的:探讨性别、年级及不同学科对大学生学习动机的影响及其所产生的差异比较。方法:选择湖南某高校一至四年级学生720人作为调查对象,年龄17~24岁。于2004-04采用黄希庭等编制的大学生学习动机问卷在6个选修课大班进行施测。问卷分6个维度26个项目,分别测试大学生的6种学习动机的强度:求知进取(6个项目)、社会取向(6个项目)、物质追求(4个项目)、害怕失败(4个项目)、个人成就(3个项目)、小群体取向(3个项目)。自变量分别为性别(男、女)二分变量、年级(1~4年级)四分变量、所属科类(文科、理科、音体美)三分变量、专业情感(即学生对自己所学专业的感情。采用四级评定方式:喜欢、一般、不太喜欢、不喜欢)四分变量。问卷采用“有”、“不确定”、“无”3级评定,分别记1,2,3分,某种学习动机得分越高,表明动机强度越弱,得分越低,动机越强。主要观察大学生学习动机的总体水平;大学生学习动机的性别、年级、不同科类的差异;大学生专业情感与学习动机的关系。全部数据采用t检验、方差分析及相关分析。结果:发放问卷720份,回收合格问卷676份,有效率为93.9%。①学习动机的总体水平趋势:大学生6种动机的强度水平由高到低依次是物质追求、求知进取、小群体取向、社会取向、害怕失败和个人成就。②学习动机的性别差异:女生的社会取向、害怕失败、小群体取向动机水平显著高于男生,个人成就动机水平显著低于男生。③学习动机的年级差异:一年级学生的求知进取动机水平显著低于二、三年级学生;物质追求动机水平显著低于三年级学生;个人成就动机水平显著低于三年级学生、高于四年级学生;小群体取向动机水平显著高于三年级学生。④学习动机的科类差异:音体美类学生的求知进取、社会取向动机水平的显著高于文科和理科学生。⑤学生专业情感与学习动机的关系:学生专业情感深刻程度与其求知进取、社会取向、小群体取向3类学习动机水平呈显著正相关,与害怕失败动机呈显著负相关。结论:①大学生学习动机的总体水平由高到低依次是物质追求、求知进取、小群体取向、社会取向、害怕失败和个人成就。②大学生学习动机存在着显著的性别、年级、不同科类的差异。③专业情感直接影响到学生的学习动机水平。 AIM: To discuss effects and comparison of differences in different sex,grade and major on learning motivation of college students.METHODS: Totally 720 students from freshman to senior student of a college in Hunan Province were selected into the investigation aged from 17 to 24. The experiment was performed in April 2004 in 6 senior classes having elective course by learning motivation questionnaire authorized by Huang Xi-ting, et al. The questionnaire including 6 dimensions and 26 topics, tested respec.tively 6 kinds of learning motivation strength: seeking knowledge and initiative (6 topics), social orientation (6 topics), pursuing material (4 topics), failure scaring (4 topics), individual success (3 topics)and micro-group orientation (3 topics). Self-variance were sex (male,female), two variances; grade (1-4), four variances, major (Liberal arts,science and P.E, music, art), three variances; professional emotion (emotion on one's major). Four-grade evaluation method was used: like, normal, little like and dislike,four variances.Questionnaire used 3-grade evaluation including “with”, “uncertain” and “without”, and recorded respectively 1,2,3 scores. The higher scores, the weaker learning motivation was, while the lower scores, the strong learning motivation was. General level of learning motivation, difference of sex, grade and major, and professional emotion of college students were observed mainly. T-check, analysis of variance and correlation analysis were applied.RESULTS: 720 questionnaires were sent out, while 676 regular questionnaires were received. Utility rate was 93.9%. ① General level trend: six kinds of strength levels of motivation was pursuing material,seeking knowledge and initiative, micro-group orientation, social orientation, failure scaring and individual success one by one. ② Sex difference: Motivation of social direction, failure scaring, and micro-group direction of females was significantly higher than that of males. Motivation of individual success was significantly lower than that of males. ③ Graded ifference: Grade-one students'seeking-knowledge and initiative motive level was lower than the grade-two'and the grade-three students'significantly. Grade-one students'material seeking motive level lower than the grade-three students' significantly, grade-one students' individual success motive level lower than the students of grade three, higher than the grade-four students'significantly. Micro-group orientation motive level was higher than the grade-three students'significantly. ④ Major difference:Seeking- knowledge and initiative motive level and social orientation motive level of students majoring in Music, Fine Arts, Physical Education was higher than that of students majoring in liberal arts and science significantly. ⑤ Professional emotion: It was significantly positively correlated with students'motive level of seeking-knowledge and initiative,social orientation, micro-group orientation, but it was significantly negatively correlated with students'motive level of failure scaring.CONCLUSION: ① General level of learning motivation ot college students from high to low was pursuing material, seeking knowledge and initiative, micro-group orientation, social orientation, failure scaring and individual success. ② There are significant differences on sex, grade and major. ③ Professional emotion has direct effect on learning motivation.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第20期96-98,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 湖南理工学院2003年度教研立项课题~~
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