
山西省普通高等院校体育教育专业学生篮球运动损伤状况 被引量:3

Sports injury of basketball in university students major in physical education in Shanxi province
摘要 目的:调查山西省六所普通高校体育教育专业学生篮球运动损伤的情况,分析损伤发生的相关因素。方法:于2004-05/10随机抽取山西省6所普通高校(山西大学、山西师范大学、太原理工大学、山西师范学院、雁北师范学院、忻州师范学院)体育教育专业2001级、2002级、2003级、2004级本科男生240人作为调查对象。参照体育科研方法中所涉及的有关运动损伤及医务监督问题进行调查问卷设计,问卷内容包括普通高校体育教育专业学生篮球运动损伤的原因、部位、场合、性质、损伤对学习、生活的影响以及对待损伤的态度。并以百分率对主要内容进行统计观察。结果:发放问卷240份,回收有效问卷234份,有效率97.5%,问卷信度为9.78,效度为9.56。①高年级学生的运动损伤率比低年级高②损伤部位主要集中在距小腿关节、指关节、膝关节;距小腿踝关节扭伤约占36.8%,手指关节的戳伤骨折占约35.1%,膝关节的髌骨劳损、半月板损伤约占28.9%,头面部因受到碰撞,引起出血和骨折占10.5%,腰部损伤率较低为3.5%。③课外活动是学生发生运动损伤的重要场合。④忽视准备活动是重要原因之一;身体机能不良,伤病或疲劳的积累将使机体活动能力下降,基本功不扎实,拉、撞、顶等危险动作频出,是导致篮球运动损伤发生的又一重要原因。⑤训练、比赛以及教学中损伤发生的几率较低。⑥损伤发生后大部分学生能以平和的心态对待;但仍有部分学生感到焦急、烦躁;少部分学生怀有侥幸心理,致使损伤积累,身体机能下降。结论:普通高校体育教育专业学生篮球运动损伤,主要发生在课外活动时间,损伤的部位以距小腿关节扭伤、手指的戳伤、膝关节的劳损为主,同时间有面部的损伤和出血,剧烈冲撞引发的骨折虽占极小比例,但学生受到的影响却最大;发生运动损伤的原因往往是多方面因素的结合,准备活动不足、身体机能不良、技战术运用不合理是诱发运动损伤的主要原因。 AIM: To investigate basketball sports injury in university students major in physical education in 6 universities of Shanxi province, and analyze the related factors.METHODS: 240 university students specializing in physical education were selected from grades 2001,2002,2003,2004 boy students in 6 university of Shanxi province between May to October 2004. Six university included Shanxi University, Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan University of Technology, Shanxi Normal College, Yanbei Normal College and Xinzhou Normal College. Questionnaire was designed referring to the questions of sports injury involved in scientific researches of sports and the problems related to the supervision of medical affairs, including cause of sports injury, injured site, situation, property, effects of injury on learning and life, and attitude to injury. Main results were represented hy percentage.RESULTS: Totally 240 questionnaires were prepared in October 2005,and 236 ones were reclaimed with the callback rate of 98.3%. In the questionnaires reclaimed, two questionnaires were invalid, and other 243 ones were valid with the valid rate of 97.5%. Reliability and validity of questionnaire were 9.78 and 9.56, respectively. 234 university students consisted of 58 of grade 2001, 56 of grade 2002, 60 of grade 2003 and 60 of grade 2004. The rate of sports injury was higher in senior students than in junior students. The injured sites wen mainly at ankle, finger joint,and knee joint. There were 36.8% sprained ankle, 35.1% punctured wound, 28.9% strain of knee cap or meniscus injury, 10.5% head hemorrhage and fracture due to collision, and 3.5% injury to lumbar part.Most students injured during extracurricular activities, and neglect of warming-up was one of the important reasons for sports injury. Poor body function, decreased motor activity due to invaliding or fatigue, unskilled basic training, and dangerous behavior such as draw, bump, and gore could all lead to sports injury during basketball exercise. However, the incidence of sports injury was lower in training, match, and teaching. The majority of students with sports injury could be at a mild state, but still some students felt anxious and fidgety, and a few of students had a fluky thinking, which resulted in the accumulation of injury and decrease of body function.CONCLUSION: Most basketball sports injury in university students major in physical education occurs during extracurricular activities, and the sites were centralized at ankle, finger and knee, including sprain,punctured wound and strain accompanied by facial injury and hemorrhage.However, facture due to intensive collision has a largest effect in students though ,it accounts for the smallest.The reasons for sports injury are often the combination of many factors, and the main factors consist of lack of warming-up, poor body function, and unreasonable application of tactics.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第20期190-192,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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