Objective To test a possible role of oxygen species in corneal inflammation.Methods A keratitis model was inducde by an intrastromal injection of lipoplysaccharide (LPS) in one eye of Mew Zealand albio rabbits.During the imflam mation process, the activity of corneal superoxide dismutase (SOD), an enzynatic scavenger of the superoxide free radical, wsa measured superoxid by chemolum inescent test,the level of cormeal malonaldehyde (MDA),the final product of lipid peroxidation, was determinde by thiobtbituric acid test, and the clinical sand histopathological changes in cormea were observde.All the results of inflam matory cornea were compared with that of saline injected cornea.Results It was found that:(1)Singificant decrease in SOD activity (P〈0.001)and increase in MDA level (P=0.001) were observde in inflammation was negatively correlated with the conrtols.In the period of corneal inflammation,the increase in MDA level occurred after the decarade in SOD activity .(2)The severity of corneal inflammation was negatively correlated with the corneal SOD activity (r=-0.954,P〈0.001)and positively with corneal MDA level (r=0.734,P〈0.001).Also a statistically significant negative correlation existed between SODactivity and MDA level in the imflammatory cornea(R=-0.623,P〈0.001).Conclusion These findings suggest that active oxygen species play a role in LPS-inducde kreatitis and cause corneal injury by lipid peroxidation rtactions on the polyunsaturated fatty acid of biological membranes.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology