Objective To investigate the preferrable method for determination of cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin G avidity index ( CMV-IgG AI )as an effective diagnostic tool to distinguish primary CMV infection from past infection in pregnant women, Methods The measurement of CMV-IgG AI was tested by standard indirect ELISA using 35mmol/L Diethyl amine(DEA) and 8mol/L urea(urea) solution as wild protein denaturing agents. Results Sera from 68 cases with past CMV infection, 43 cases with acute re-infection or primary infection were studied. The CMV-IgG AI less than 45%,was defined as resent primary CMV infection. The CMV-IgG AI higher than 55% was defined as past CMV infection. The sensitivity and specificity of 8mmol/L urea and 35mmol/L DEA were 50% and 64.3% ;97.1% and 91.2% respectively.Conclusions Using 35mmol/L Diethyl amine solution and washing once for 10 min is found to be suitable for CMV-IgG AI determination. At present the combination of CMV-IgG AI and CMV-IgM assay seems to be a powerful serological tool to differentiate primary from past CMV infection.
Beijing Medical Journal