
小腿假肢对线对静态站立时下肢受力的影响 被引量:4

The effects of prosthetic alignment on the lower limb during standing
摘要 目的:研究小腿截肢患者站立状态下假肢对线对下肢受力特性的影响。方法:以假肢侧承重线和重力线作为评价指标,改变假肢矢状面和额状面的对线,采用激光测力平台测量患者静态站立时残侧承重线和重力线的位置,研究下肢受力状况的变化。结果:假肢侧承重线受踝关节对线的影响大于腿管对线调节的影响,并且力线随腿管与接受腔的前倾而前移,而额状面对线的影响很小;矢状面内重力线主要受踝关节对线调节的影响,并且与变化角近似正比例相关。结论:矢状面假肢对线调整对残侧下肢受力状况的影响较大,而额状面的对线调整影响较小。 Objective: To investigate the effects of the prosthesis alignment on the loads applied to the lower limb. Method:Based on the prosthetic load line and the weight beating line, the loads applied to the lower limb was studied as the below-knee amputee standing.Result:The alignment of the ankle joint affected the prosthetic load line more than the alignment of the pylon in the saggital plane, and the load line moved forward with the extension of the pylon and the flexion of the ankle, but the alignment in the frontal plane affected less. The weight beating line in the saggital plane was influenced mainly by the alignment of the ankle. The movement was nearly proportional to the change of the angle.Conclusion:The load line of the prosthetic side and the weight beating line in the saggital plane are influenced by the alignment in the sagittal plane but the alignment in the frontal plane affects less.
出处 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期487-489,i0001,共4页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50305013)
关键词 对线 假肢侧承重线 重力线 下肢受力 alignment prosthetic load line weight bearing line lower-limb load
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