The methodology of indirect ELISA for the detection of rotavirus (RV) serum antibody has been investigated. The results indicate that the plates could be directly coated with RV antigen with no difference between the direct coating and indirect one by means of immune serum. The coating effect might be improved by pretreatment of RV particles with EDTA, KSCN or guanidine hydrochloride. No significant difference(P>0.05) existed between the detection rates by indirect ELISA and indirect sandwich when 34 serum samples were examined by both methods at the same time. Both methods were applied to determine the antibody titer of 11 positive sera. The GMT was 755.1 for indirect ELISA and 822.1 for indirect sandwich, without statistical difference (P>0.05). The blocking test of indirect ELISA was carried out, the blocking rate being 95.6%. The variance coefficient results measured by indirect ELISA in replicated samples ranged from 3.7% to 8.7%. Thus, indirect ELISA proved to possess high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility, it can be used to replace indirect sandwich ELISA for the detection of serum antibody against RV.