4Reprinted by permission of the publisher, John Wiley &Sons, Inc.
5James C. Collins, Jerry I. Porras: Organizational Vision and Visionary Organizations, Leading Organizations- - - Perspectives for a New Era edited by Gill Robinson Hichman, Sage Publications 1998.
6Thompson, A A. & Strickland, A J. Strategic Management, 7th ed. Homewood, IL; Irwin.
7Michael A. Hitt, R Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson:Strategic Management, West Publishing Company, St Paul MN,1995.
8Janel M. Radtke : Seven Steps to Creating a Successful Plan, Reprinted by permission of the publisher, John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 1998.
9Charles W F. Hill: International Business—— Competing in the Global Marketplace, Irwin McGraw- Hill, 20000.
10G Evarts, 1991. Demark: Pinstripes Versus the Trinity, Euromony (1), 63-66.