
建筑抗浮设计水位取值方法——以北京市某工程为例 被引量:10

Method for Getting the Value of Anti-uplift Water Level for Construction——An Exemplified Project in Beijing
摘要 近年来,随着首都北京城市建设的高速发展,城市建设用地越来越少,地下空间的开发和利用成为发展的必然趋势。大量带有纯地下车库的高层建筑,以及地下管廊、下沉式广场的兴建,使抗浮问题非常突出。抗浮标准如何确定,抗浮水位如何取值,各类规范均没有明确规定,传统方法多依据经验确定抗浮水位取值,缺乏理论依据,不符合客观实际情况,使得抗浮设计存在安全隐患或增大了工程造价。笔者以北京市区某一工程为例,通过研究区域内浅层地下水的赋存与渗流特性,水位变化的历史过程和影响因素,通过渗流分析,从客观的角度提出建筑抗浮设计水位的取值方法,使得取值更具科学性和经济性。 In recent years, urban construction has been developing rapidly in Beijing, the exploration and utilization of underground space are beccming an inexorable trend, and playing an important role in supplementing the land shortage . The large scale construction of high-rises with basements or underground parking lots has made the anti-uplift design a very critical problem No answer could be found in different codes concerning the method getting the value of anti-uplift water level for construction. In traditional methods ,the value is estimated by experience which is lack of theoretical basis and not in compliance with the practical condition , by which the safety of construction couldn't be guaranteed or the engineering cost would be greatly increased. Taking a project in Beijing city as the exhale, a method for getting the value of anti-uplift water level for construction is put forward . Steps described include study of the characteristics of the layered ground water conformations and seepage patterns, fading out the major factors controlling the variations of time-history records of groundwater table and seepage analysis. In this way the value is obtained more objectively, and is more scientific and economical than that from traditional methods .
作者 李胜勇 韩华
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第7期58-62,共5页 China Safety Science Journal
关键词 城市建设用地 地下空间 抗浮问题 抗浮水位 安全隐患 渗流分析 Characteristics of layered ground water conformations and seepage pattems Seepage analysis Anti-uplift water level for construction
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