
铝板幕墙材料选用中的几个问题 被引量:1

Some problems on the adoption of al uminium sheet curtain wall
摘要 铝板幕墙所用铝板,可分为单层铝板、复合铝板和蜂窝铝板,现阶段国内生产的铝板幕墙,由于没有标准,在材料选用和安装制作用材方面尚存在问题。幕墙铝板表面用阳极氧化法处理时,色差大,整体效果不好;静电喷涂又分为粉末喷涂和液体喷涂,粉末喷涂可选颜色较多,但不耐紫外线长期照射,易产生阴阳面色差;液体喷涂耐腐蚀,颜色均匀,使用寿命长;复合铝板中间夹层含有毒成分,在燃烧或高温时会放出有害气体,且安装不牢固,耐久性差;蜂窝铝板成本较高,重量大,密封性能差。从综合性能看,单层铝板为较好的铝板幕墙材料。 The aluminium sheet used for production of aluminium sheet curtain wall may be classifiedas follows: the singlelayer aluminium sheet, the composite aluminium sheet and the honeycomb aluminiumsheet.During the present stage,there is yet no standardization for aluminium sheet in our country andtherefore.there are still some pending problems in selection of aluminium materials for their manufactureand installation. The anodic oxidation method for surface treatment of aluminium sheet curtain wall hasbee!1 found of colour distortion and integrity deficiency. Furthermore there are the static spray paintingmet:hods which maybe be further listed as (1) the powder spray painting and(2) the hydro-spray painting.The powder spray painting has comparatively a large variety of colour tone, it is, however, weak in long term violet ray's illumination and easily getting mystifying yin and yang (i. e. negative and positive. the twoopposing principles in nature) colour deterioration. While the hydro-spray painting is corrosion proof andwith the merits of harmonious colour and durable service ability. The composite aluminium sheet'S mid-plyconsists of poisonous elements when being burned or under high temperature, it will produce poisonous gas,and in addition, it is weak in construction stability and poor in service reliability. As for the honey-combaluminum sheet. it is of the high cost and heavy weight category with a poor sealed joint. To sum upcomprehensively, the single layer aluminium sheet should be considered eventually the better choice for theconstruction of an aluminium sheet curtain wall.
作者 彭政国
出处 《建筑技术》 北大核心 1995年第9期535-536,共2页 Architecture Technology
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