皱果赤瓟(Thladiantha henryi Hemsl)是生长在海拔900~1900m地区的一种野生珍稀药食同源植物.引种栽培试验结果表明:在海拔420m地区的自然环境下,完成植物生长发育约需10~11个月,比原产地延长1~2个月;不需采取特殊保护措施,能正常生长发育;能以常规的无性繁殖方式进行生产;产量品质可达到野生状态水平,说明人工栽培是可行的.
A rare wild plant, Thladiantha henryi, often grows on the scope with the elevation from nine hundred to one thousand. The domesticated test showed that: in ton to eleven months it had to complete its full growth period and reproduction in the place with under the elevation of four hundred and twenty meters. It took one to two months longer titan its under the original area and it could be produced at the aid of conventional and feasible measures. The quality under the domestication was the same as the natural state and its yields were tending to raising, these findings indicated that the artificial cultivation was feasible.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences