
卡维地洛对慢性心力衰竭患者室性心律失常和心率变异性影响 被引量:2

The therapeutic effect of Carvediol on ventricular arrhythmia and heart rate variability in patients with congestive heart failure
摘要 目的探讨卡维地洛对慢性心力衰竭患者室性心律失常和心率变异性的影响。方法97例慢性心力衰竭患者按随机分配原则,分为治疗组49例和对照组48例,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上加用卡维地洛,初始剂量2·5mg,每日两次,每2周增加一次剂量,直至20mg一次或最大耐受量为止。用动态心电图分析治疗前后心率、室性心律失常和心率变异性变化,并用超声心动图测定患者治疗前后的心功能。结果治疗组用卡维地洛治疗6个月后,心率下降、室性心律失常减少、心率变异性参数改善(P<0·01);心功能改善亦非常显著(P<0·01)。结论卡维地洛治疗慢性心力衰竭患者,可降低室性心律失常的发生,改善心率变异性和心功能。 Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of Carvediol on ventricular arrhythmia and heart rate variability in patients with congestive heart failure(CHF). Methods 97 patients with CHF under conventional therapy were randomly divided into Carvediol group(49 cases) and control group(48 cases). In Carvediol group Besides the routine treatment the patients were given drug Carvediol(2.5mg Bid) and at interval of two weeks to increase the dosage up to 20mg Bid or the patient' s maximal tolerance. Before and after treatment the ventricular arrhythmia, heart rate variability ,left ventricle function and volume were observed in Both groups. Results After 6 months treatment of Carvediol, compared with control group,the incidence of ventricular arrhythmia in Carvediol group decreased significantly ( P 〈 0. 01 ) and the heart rate variability obtained improvement ,the standard deviation of normal to normal intervals( SDNN ) and the high frequency(HF) increased( P 〈0.011),but the LF(low frequency)/HF was decrease( P 〈0.05), Conclusion Carvediol can reduce the incidence of malignant ventricular arrhythmia and improve heart rate variability in patients with CHF.
出处 《实用心脑肺血管病杂志》 2005年第4期196-198,共3页 Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease
关键词 卡维地洛 慢性心力衰竭 室性心律失常 心率变异性 Congestive heart faihlre Carvediol Ventricular arrhythmia Heart rate variability
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