

Urgency of carring out AIDS health education for female college students in ethnic university
摘要 民族院校女大学生主要来自偏远的民族自治区、自治州或农牧区,获取艾滋病相关知识的途径较少,且首次性行为时间较汉族人群提前,因此使其比普通女大学生置于更危险的境地。所以在民族院校开展多种形式的健康教育,普及艾滋病基本知识,降低这一人群的危险性行为,帮助他们远离艾滋病的感染,这在降低艾滋病发病率中具有较深远的意义。 Female college students in ethnic university mainly come from remote autonomous region or autonomous prefecture. Their ways to get AiDS knowledge are very limited. Meanwhile, their first sexual behavior is earlier than that of Han nationality population and this makes this population more dangerous than other common college students. Therefore, it is of very profound significance to carry out various kinds of health education among ethnic female college students, populize the basic knowledge about AIDS transmission among them, so as to decrease their dangerous sexual behaviors and prevent them from HIV infection.
出处 《国外医学(妇幼保健分册)》 2005年第4期256-258,共3页 Foreign Medical Sciences (Section of Maternal and Child Health)
关键词 艾滋病 民族院校 女大学生 健康教育 AIDS ethnic university female college student health education
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