
吸脂术中肿胀麻醉的安全性评价 被引量:3

Safety evaluation of swelling anesthesia in liposuction
摘要 目的:通过检测脂肪抽吸术吸出物中利多卡因含量,为准确评价肿胀麻醉的安全性提供依据。方法:分别采集39例肝肾功能正常的健康受术者吸出物中脂肪组织与液体样品,采用荧光偏正免疫法检测样品中利多卡因浓度,计算吸出物中脂肪组织与液体中利多卡因含量。结果:脂肪组织中利多卡因浓度为(72.80±8.61)μg/ml,含量为(521.03±171.29)mg;吸出液体中利多卡因浓度为(36.69±9.39)μg/ml,含量为(240.33±81.66)mg;吸出物中利多卡因总含量为(743.41±270.55)mg,占注入体内的利多卡因总量的(69.61±9.07)%。结论:随肿胀液注入体内的利多卡因在脂肪抽吸过程中近70%被吸出体外,表明肿胀麻醉是安全的。 Objective:To detect the lidocaine content in aspirate from liposuction in order to accurately evaluate the safety of swelling anesthesia. Methods: Thirty - nine cases with normal liver and renal function were accepted in this study. The samples containing both adipose tissue and fluid were harvested from the operation. The fluorescence polarization immunity method was employed to detect the lidocaine concentrations, and so calculate their contents in those samples. Results:The lidocaine concentrations in adipose tissue and fluid were (72.80 ±8.61 )μg/ml and (36.69 ± 9.39)μg/ml, and the corresponding contents were (521.03±171.29) mg and (240.33 ±81.66) mg respectively. The total content of lidocaine in aspirate was (743.41±270.55)mg, which occupied(69.61 ±9.07) % of lidocaine dosage. Conclusion: About 70% lidocaine injected with swelling fluid was drawn out during liposucfion, indicating that swelling anesthesia is
出处 《西北国防医学杂志》 CAS 2005年第4期241-243,共3页 Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Northwest China
基金 兰州军区"十五"重点人才基金资助项目(ZD-2001-01)
关键词 脂肪抽吸术 肿胀麻醉 利多卡因 临床研究 Liposuction Swelling anesthesia Lidocaine Clinical study
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