Objective To study the relationship between the SARS-Co-V RNA and the clinical manifestation in order to find a fore alert of severe SARS for prognosis so that strong and effective treatment can be administered as soon as possible to increase cure rate and low mortality. Method 90 patients with SARS were group A, and 77 health care staff was group B. All the patients were admitted in Beijing Ditan Hospital from April 2003 to May 2003. 77 health care staff all had close contact with the SARS patients. Quantitative revers-transcriptase (RT) PCR of gargle was detected in the two groups. We compared and analyzed the results of the two groups. Result RT-PCR of gargle was tested at day 5 - 11 after onset of symptoms in the SARS patients. 21 of them had higher copies more than 1.0×10^2copies/ml. 9 of the 21 patients progressed into ARDS and 6 patients died. The patients with low RNA copies ( 〈 1.0 ×10^2copies/ml or negative) had better prognosis. RT-PCR of blood and gargle in the care worker group was all negative. There was marked difference between the two groups. Conclusion RT-PCR of the gargle is useful to confirm SARS . The patients with high RTPCR of the gargle may become a “super-spreader”, Higher RT-PCR of the gargle often suggest severe condition. Intensive care and better treatment are needed to increase cure rate and descend mortality.
Chinese Journal of Medicine
wSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Quantitative revers-transcriptase(RT-PCR)