
麻黄碱预注对异丙酚注射痛及循环抑制的影响 被引量:3

The prevention of pain and circulatary inhibition that induced by propofol
摘要 目的观察麻黄碱对丙泊酚(异丙酚)静脉注射引起的疼痛及循环抑制的影响.方法120例ASAI~Ⅱ级的择期门诊无痛取卵手术病人,随机分为3组:分别在施行异丙酚诱导之前60秒给予生理盐水、利多卡因(40mg)、麻黄碱(0.1mg/kg).观察每组疼痛的发生率和根据Ambesh法进行疼痛评分,并监测麻醉诱导前后SBP、HR和SPO2的变化.结果麻黄碱和利多卡因均可降低异丙酚注射疼痛发生率(P<0.01),麻黄碱与利多卡因之间无显著差异(P>0.05).与生理盐水组和利多卡因组相比,麻黄碱组在麻醉诱导前后SBP和HR变化不明显.结论与利多卡因相比,麻黄碱同样可降低异丙酚引起的静脉注射痛,而且还能减轻异丙酚的循环抑制程度. Objective To compared the efficacy of ephedrine(0.1 mg/kg) infusion with 40mg lidocaine and saline in the prevention of injection pain due to intravenous propofol administration. Methods 120 patients scheduled for ultrasoundfuided transvaginal oocyte retrieval were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 received saline 0.9% (2ml) ;group 2 received lidocaine 40rag (2ml), group 3 received ephedrine 0.1 mg/kg(2ml) 60s before propofol injection. Pain score were evaluated by the incidence of injection pain and Ambesh four point scale system, SBP, HR and SPO2 were also invested before and after propofol injection. Results The incidence of injection pain was 80.3% in placebo group and could be reduced significantly by using ephedrine (37.5% ,P 〈0.01 ) or lidocaine (40% ,P 〈0.01 ). SBP and HR ingroup 3 varied less than group 1 and group 2 before and after propofol in jection. Conclusion Ephedrine could provide ef-fective pain relief, compared with saline, and it could also reduce cardial vascular inhibition that induced by propofol. There was no significant difference between ephedrine and lidocaine.
作者 贾东林 杨宣
出处 《中国医刊》 CAS 2005年第8期26-27,共2页 Chinese Journal of Medicine
关键词 麻黄碱 疼痛 异丙酚 ephedrine pain propofol
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