
产品概念创新营销 被引量:1

On Marketing of Pruducts Concept Innovation
摘要 产品概念创新营销是产品同质化竞争与消费者消费行为趋于个性化形势下的一种营销策略模式,近年来,很多企业成功实施了这一差异化营销策略,并取得了良好的市场效果。文章探析了产品概念创新营销的内涵、产生的背景以及企业在运作产品概念创新营销策略时应注意的应用原则,列举了几个成功实施产品概念创新营销的案例,以示启迪。 Marketing of products concept innovation is becoming one of modes of marketing tactics, which is adapt to the competition of similar products and the trend of individuation consumption. In recent years, many enterprises have succeeded in implementing this dissimilar marketing tactic. This paper explores the connotation, relevant background and applying principles of this new marketing mode, and enumerates several successful cases of the marketing of products concept innovation for enlightening.
作者 魏立尧 陈凯
出处 《华东经济管理》 2005年第8期105-107,共3页 East China Economic Management
关键词 产品概念创新营销 需求心理 创意 marketing of products concept innovation demand desire originality
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