Trenchless Tech Hangzhou 2005, the 9th CSTT annual conference and exhibition has been sponsored successfully in March 21-24. About two hundred delegates from China, the United States, Germany, Austria and India etc. attended the conference while thousands of visitors came to the exhibition where more 40 exhibitors showed their products and technologies including variety of trenchless pipe construction and rehabilitation specially there were 13 HDD rigs from domestic manufacturers showed at outdoor exhibition. The pull power of the rigs were ranging from 150 kN to 1000kN. Conference also received more 50 papers concerned HDD, microtunnelling, pipe rehabilitation and replacement as well as pipe survey and pipe materiel. Most of delegates were interested in some technical seminars such as 〈Application of Microtunneling Machine in Long Distance and Curved Pipe Jacking Project 〉 by Herrenknecht AG.; 〈HDD in Rock strata in China〉 by Nanjing Ten Square Int. Co. Ltd.; 〈 A Comparative Evaluation of Traditional Versus New Generation Lubricating Fluids for the Microtunneling Industry〉 by WyoBen, Inc.; 〈The application of Ribloc Spiral Method in Sewer Rehabilitation 〉 by Chevalier-Pis Holdings Ltd.. CSTT will sponsore 10th CSTT Annual Conference and Exhibition in Spring next year.
China Trenchless Technology