
建立东亚固定汇率区:构想、困境与现实选择 被引量:3

Buiding of East Asian Exchange Rate Area:Schemes,Dilemmas and Practical Choice
摘要 东亚货币一体化的最终目标是建立东亚固定汇率区,实现东亚单一货币。目前,关于建立东亚固定汇率区有六种代表性构想,每一种构想都有其优势和缺陷。在东亚实际钉住美元的汇率制度下,东亚汇率制度的选择面临困境。选择东亚合意汇率制度、构建东亚固定汇率区,首先要实现双边汇率稳定,再实现“次区域”汇率稳定,最后实现东亚整体汇率稳定。
作者 何慧刚
机构地区 湖北经济学院
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第7期30-41,共12页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
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  • 1See Ronald McKinnon,"The East Asian Dollar Standard: Life After Death?" Economic Notes,2000,29(1); Ronald McKinnon,"After the Crisis, the East Asian Dollar Standard Resurrected: An Interpretation of High Frequency Exchange Rate Pegging", mimeo, Stanford University, 2000.
  • 2See John Williamson, "The Case for a Basket, Band and Crawl (BBC) Regime for East Asia", in David Gruen and John Simon, eds., Future Directions for Monetary Policies in East Asia, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, 2001.
  • 3See Rudiger Dornbusch and Yung Chul Park, "Flexibility or Nominal Anchors?" in Stefan Collignon,Jean Pisani-Ferry and Yung Chul Park, eds., Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries, Routledge, London, 1999.
  • 4Ronald McKinnon,"Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies for International Financial Stability:A Proposal",Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vo1.2,No.1,Winter 1988,pp.83-103.
  • 5See Junggun Oh and Charles Harvie, "Exchange Rate Coordiantion in East Asia",Journal of the Korean Economy,Vo1.2,2001,pp.249-296.
  • 6See Jeffrey Frankel and Shang-Jin Wei, "Is a Yen Bloc Emerging?" in Robert Rich, ed., Economic Cooperation and Challenges in the Pacific, Korea Economic Institute of America, Washington DC, 1995.
  • 7See Kenichi Ohno, "Exchange Rate Management in Developing Asia: Reassessment of the Pre-crisis Soft Dollar Zone", Working Paper 1,Asian Development Bank Institute , Tokyo,1999.
  • 8See Rudiger Dornbusch and Yung Chul Park,"Flexibility or Nominal Anchors?"
  • 9See C.H. Kwan, "The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and the Possibility of Forming a Yen Bloc in Asia", Journal of Asian Economics, 9(4), 1998.
  • 10Agnes Benassy-Quere,"Exchange Rate Regimes and Policies: An Empirical Analysis", in Stefan Collignon, Jean Pisani-Ferry and Yung Chul Park, eds., Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries, Routledge, London, 1999, pp.45-46.


  • 1伊藤隆敏 小川英治 等.东亚区域性货币体系.国际货币金融体系与东亚[M].天津人民出版社,2000..
  • 2Kwan C.H.2001 "Yen Bloc,"Brookings Institution Press.
  • 3Reinhart Carmen M.and Kenneth S.Rogoff 2002"the Modern History of Exchange Rate Arrangements:A Reinterpretation,"NBER Working Paper.
  • 4Eichengreen,Barry.1994"International Monetary Arrangement For The 21 Century,"NBER Working Paper.
  • 5Frankel Jeffrey A.1999"No Single Currency Regime is Right for all Countries or at all times,"NBER Working Paper.
  • 6Shen Jian-Guang"China's Exchange Rate System after WTO Accession:Some Consideration,"Bank of Finland Institute for Economics in Transition.
  • 7Kawai Masahiro and Shinji Takagi 2001"Proposed Strategy for a Regional Exchange Rate Arrangement in Post-crisis East Asia,"World Bank Working Paper-International Economics,Trade and Capital flows.
  • 8Yoshino Naoyuki,Sahoko Kaji and Ayako Suzuki 2001"The Basket-Peg,Dollar Peg and Floating--A Comparative Analysis of Exchange Rate Regimes,"Naoyuki Yoshino在中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所的演讲稿.
  • 9Williamson,John.2000"The Case for a Basket,Band and Crawl(BBC)Regime for East Asia".
  • 10Yu Yongding"The Management of China's Economy in 1990s,"China and world economy No.1 2002.












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