1985—1986年,从福建漳州,浙江杭州,上海,江苏南京,苏州,扬州,常州等地采集100多种植物进行分离,在雪松(Cedrus deodara),倒挂仙人鞭(Cereus flagelliformis),冬青卫茅(Euonymus japonieus),构树(Broussonetia papyrifera),蓖麻(Ricinus communis),柑桔(Citrus reticulata),带叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum),芋(Colocasia esculenta),鳄梨(Persea americana),山茶(Camellia sp.),珊瑚樱(Solanum pseudo-capsicum),百合(Lilium brownii var.viridulum),蔓常春花(Vinca major),西瓜(Citrullus lanatus)等14种寄主植物上分离到51个疫霉菌株,鉴定为9个种:烟草疫霉(=寄生疫霉)Phytophthora nicotianae B.de Haan(=P.parasitica Dast.),掘氏疫霉P.drechsleri Tucker,樟疫霉 P.ciunamomi Rands,棕榈疫霉P.palmivora(Butl.)Butl.,柑桔褐腐疫霉P.citrophthora(R.et E.Smith) Leon.,苎麻疫霉P.bochmeriae Saw.,蜜色疫霉P.meadii McRae,簇囊疫霉P.botryosa Chee,隐地疫霉P.cryptogea Pethyb.et Laff.。其中,烟草疫霉,掘氏疫霉,樟疫霉出现频率较高,分布较广,初步认为是上述地区植物疫病的主要病原菌。簇囊疫霉、蜜色疫霉是国内新记录。
From 1985—1986, over 800 specimens were collected on more than 100 host plants including trees, vegetables, ornamentals, medicinal herbs, crops and wild plants from Zhangzhou of Fujian province, Hangzhou of Zhejiang province, Nanjing, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Changzhou of Jiangsu province and Shanghai. A total of 51 isolates of Phytophthora were obtained from 14 host plants including cedar, camellia, avocado, castorbean, paphiopedilum, cactus, orange, jerusalemcherry, euonymus, papermulberry, taro, watermelon, periwinkle, and lily. Nine Phytophthora species were identified: P. nicotianae B. Haan, P. cinnaraomi Rands, P. drechsleri Tucker, P. palmivora (Butl.) Butler, P. citrophthora Leonian, P. boehmeriae Saw., P. meadii McRae, P. botryosa Chee and P. cryptoge.a Pethyb. & Laff., in which, P. nicotianae, P. cinnamomi, and P. drechsleri are the main pathogens and commonly distributed in the areas mentioned above
P. palmivora, P. citrophthora, P. meadii, P. cryptogea, P. batryosa are reported for the first time in Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu provinces and in Shanghai. P. meadii, P. botryosa are new records in China. Euonymus (Euonymus Japonicus) is a new host for P. palmivora, P. meadii, and P. citrophthora. Taro (Colocasia esculenta) cedar (Cedrus deodara), pepermulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) are new host plants for P. botryosa, P. nicotianae, P. boehmeriae respectively.
P. boehmeriae
P. botryosa
P. cryptogea
P. drechsleri
P. meadii
P. nicotianae
Broussonetia papyrifera
Cedrus deodara
Colocasia esculenta. Euonymus japonicus