In the recent years, with the“reform and open” policy, the advanced technology abroad are gradually introduced by many factories of electric trade in our country (including power transformer, power capacitor, power cable, insulating material, switch for high and low voltage, mutual-inductor, electro-technical porcelain, rectifier, electric machine etc. Among them, most part of relative manufacturing engineering and special equipment belonged to the vacuum application technology, e. g “VD”,“VPI”process and its equipment. It is well known that the quality of electric product is good or is not principally dependent on its insulating property. To obtain the good insulationg strength, the most insulating material must be processed . This led to a result of the application of vacuum technology in electric trade. The application is wider and the related area is larger in this field than those in other trade. On the basis of the application of vacuum technology in electric trade.In this paper,the main aim is to hold interest of people in the vacuum technology circle in our country from the narrow vacuum technology of traditional, single vacuum production, measurement and leakage detecting, vacuum system to the application technology related with vacuum technology which is more complex in wide field (in the high, middle and low vacuum pressure).