本文从实验上研究了国产 Zr-Al16非蒸散型吸气剂的放气特性、吸气速率及极限压力,给出了超高.极高真空状态的运转规范,首次获得了 2.6×10-10Pa 的极低压力,从而证实国产锆-铝吸气剂的性能接近国际同类产品水平。 为了更有效地使用吸气剂,本文提出了非蒸散型吸气剂的物理模型,由该模型出发推导出了表示吸气剂特性的一组方程式.运用该方程可解释实验结果及吸气剂的某些特性,同时给出部分和实验结果较好符合的理论结论。
This paper researches the gettering property, pumping speed and limiting pressure of China-made Zr-Al 16 NEG. An operation model in UHV, EHV is obtained. The lowest pressure of 2.6×10-10Pa is reached for the first time, and confirmes that the sorption properties of China-made Zr-Al 16 NEG are close to the same sort of international production. In order to use the NEG more efficiently, a model of NEG is proposed. According to this model, a series of equations are deduced, which express the NEG characteristic. The properties of Zr-Ar NEG can be explained by such equations. The results of the theory are given, which tally with the results of experiment quite well.