

Quaternary gastropods in Raoping, Guangdong
摘要 首次报道了广东饶平海山区腹足类。经整理和分类研究,共鉴定出腹足类16科25属30种。这些种均为现生分布种,主要分布在中国沿海,特别是浙江以南海区,少数分布在黄海较北部海区。大多数种类栖息于低潮线至浅海几十米水深的沙泥质或泥沙质海底,也出现一些潮间带岩礁栖息型种类。可能反映了具较高海水能量的浅水沉积环境。根据动物群的组合特征,它们应为第四纪全新世的产物。 It has been little known about gastropods in Raoping of Guangdong Province. Gastropods reported by this paper are mainly marine forms, and accordingly they are important for indicating sedimentary environment of this area. The gastropods diagnosed consist of 30 species they attributed to 25 genera and 16 families. Excepting Tarebia granifera (Lamarck) and Semisulcospira sp, being freshwater species, others are marine species mostly distributed in marine area south of the Zhejiang Province. Only few species appear in northern sea area of the Yellow Sea. These species are also distributed in many maritime areas of tropic Pacific Ocean. Therefore, they represent a tropic fauna. This fauna include a part of species having longer evolutionary history, for instance, Batellaria zonalis (Bruguiere), Cerithidea cingulata (Gmelin), Neverita didyma (Roeding), Plinices raelanostoraus (Gmelin), Polinices peselephanti (Link) and Tahis luteostoma (Holten) occurring in the Quaternary of Taiwan and Japan etc., Batellaria zonalis (Bruguiere), Cantharus cecillei (Philippi), Eunaticina papilla (Gmelin), Inquisitor flavidula (Lamarck), Nassarius siquijorensis (A. Adamas), Neverita didyma (Roeding), Oliva mustelina Lamarck, Plinices melanostomus (Gmelin), Polinices peselephanti (Link) and Rapana bezoar (Linnaeus) in Tertiary of Taiwan, Japan, Java, Philippine and Indonesia. Ecologically, a majority of species lives on sandy mud or muddy sand bottoms from low tidal zone to shallow sea. It should note that some of species, as such Cantharus cecillei (Philippi), Cerithidea cingulata (Gmclin), Cuma gradata (Born), Cyrineum natator (Roeding), Mitra chinensis Gray, Neverita didyma (Roeding), are typical of tide zone. Moreover, some species live at rocky reef of intertidal zone. Therefore, the fauna may reflect a condition of shallow water and higher energy. In particular, Batellaria zonalis (Brnguiere) an indicator of seawater/freshwater interaction zone, was found, reflecting that this area was near estuary not far from coast at that time. Additionally, most shells look fresh and complete. In overall, this fauna assemblage can be placed in the Holocene in age.
出处 《海洋科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期56-65,共10页 Marine Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40176030)
关键词 海相腹足类 全新世 广东饶平 gastropods holocene Raoping of Guangdong Province
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