In this paper, the spectral and luminescence properties of a series of KGd(WO4)2 powder samples codoped with different concentrations of Er^3+ and Yb^3+ were reported,and the best doping concentrations were found to be lat% Er^3+ and 10at% Yb^3+ for attaining the strongest intensity. The Er^3+/yb^3+ codoped KGd(WO4)2 crystal with good optical quality was grown by the TSSG method and the growth conditions were presented. The unpolarized absorption and emission spectra of the crystal have been measured. The strong absorption peak is at 980 nm with a FWHM of 65 nm, and the emission peak is at 1536 nm when pumped by 976 rim. The fluorescence lifetime of manifold ^4I13/2 is estimated to be 4.5 ms at room temperature.Investigations of Er, Yb:KGW crystal have shown it to have necessary combination of properties to get an effective generation of - 1.54 μm eye-safe radiation with laser diode pumping.
In this paper, the spectral and luminescence properties of a series of KGd(WO4)2 powder samples codoped with different concentrations of Er^3+ and Yb^3+ were reported,and the best doping concentrations were found to be lat% Er^3+ and 10at% Yb^3+ for attaining the strongest intensity. The Er^3+/yb^3+ codoped KGd(WO4)2 crystal with good optical quality was grown by the TSSG method and the growth conditions were presented. The unpolarized absorption and emission spectra of the crystal have been measured. The strong absorption peak is at 980 nm with a FWHM of 65 nm, and the emission peak is at 1536 nm when pumped by 976 rim. The fluorescence lifetime of manifold ^4I13/2 is estimated to be 4.5 ms at room temperature.Investigations of Er, Yb:KGW crystal have shown it to have necessary combination of properties to get an effective generation of - 1.54 μm eye-safe radiation with laser diode pumping.
This project was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (No. E0310031) ② Corresponding author. E-mail: tcy@fjirsm.ac.cn