从20世纪70年代起,“促进城市再发展”已成为英国国家政策的持续性目标之一。在过去10年之中英国政府就推出一连串综合性的城市发展对策。由英国副首相John Prescoff领导,以建设一个可持续城市再发展计划为首要工作.透过投资者和政府干预的方式来实现目标管理.主要集中在现有的城市地区、未规划的土地和规划好的城市边缘地区开始建设社区。政府也正在彻底审视发展过程.使城市规划和土地分配能够更积极地响应城市的瞬息万变。现在的工作重点在于发展的质量和数量的控制.由此营造一种地方的场所感。
While promoting redevelopment has been a national policy objective of successive U.K.governments since the 1970s, only in the past decade has an integrated urban policy response come to the forefront. The office of the Deputy Prime Minister, led bu Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, has made sustaimable regeneration its top priority, through partnerships with investors and direct interventions, policies focus on delivering housing in existing urban areas, brownfield sites,and desighated urban expansion areas. The government also is overhauling the regulatory system to make planning and land allocation mare responsive to change. The emdevelopment, as well as the quantity. Creating a sence of place is considered an essential element.