
超文本支持的大学英语语篇教学 被引量:2

Hypertext-based Discourse Perspective in College English Teaching
摘要 建构主义学习理论认为,在学习高级阶段面对知识'结构不良领域'里个案不规则性时,必须走出教师讲解知识的做法.在大学英语教学中引入语篇教学理论,提出'为关联而教',使学生在语篇关联中学习英语.教师从知识传授者变成建立关联的脚手架搭建者,并通过利用计算机可随机存取的超文本特性来克服纸质材料线性呈现的局限性. From a constructivist perspective, advanced learning has to deal with the case irregularities within the ill-structured domain. To apply discourse theory in language class, instruction is concerned with cohesion, which enables the students to experience English when they are building up a cohesive discourse. The teacher builds up scaffolding for learners, with the help of the random access of the hypertext to overcome the constraints of printed texts.
作者 邓天中
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 2005年第4期37-41,共5页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
关键词 关联教学 随机存取 超文本 Cohesive Instruction Random Access Hypertext
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