介绍了一种运用DSP(数字信号处理器)控制的基于以太网传输的低成本高音质语音监控系统,该系统主要由语音采集模块和语音传输模块组成。语音采集模块由TI公司的 16位高速DSP芯片TMS320VC5402和语音处理芯片MC14LC5480组成,语音传输模块由DSP控制以太网控制器 8019通过双绞线连接到远端PC来完成,能在远端PC上控制监控的启停及现场回放。文中给出了硬件设计结构和软件设计流程。
The paper introduces a low cost and high quality voice monitoring system based on DSP,which transmits data by Ethernet. The system includes a voice acquisition module and a voice transmission module. Voice acquisition module consists of a 16bit high speed DSP chip(TMS320VC5402) and a voice processing chip(MC14LC548) , and uses DSP to control Ethernet controller 8019 to realize voice transmission,monitor the on-off state and the field playback function of system can be controlled by long-distance PC directly. The paper suggests a hardware design configuration and software design flow chart in detail.
Electronic Engineer