In order to get a good use of the stone ballast which was abandonedat the lolal stone pit. we studied the material of the dark gipe which is econo-mic and effective. Through the intraduced technique and the experiment. we uaedthe underground drainage engineering technigue of the dark pipees for dealing withthe. water loggod farm land . and determined reasonablely the. embeded depth and spac- ing of the dark pipes. The water logging in the farm land was dischatged effec- tively. The eeological environment of the soil was improved. The harvest outputwas increased. At the same time we studied further the material dispensationformula and the structure of the stone bdllast cement pipes. The property ofthe pipe material was improved. The engineering investment was teduced. Thispaper probed and summarized the construction and operating managerrent etc. on the underground drainage engineering of the stone ballast cement pipe.
Jiangxi Hydraulic Science & Technology
The stone ballast cement pipe
The drainage engineeting of the darkpipe The water logged agriculture land. Engineering investment. Eeonomic bene-fit. Operating management. Publicity and appliance